
3 ways to safely discover our 3 world premieres

17 December 2021

For your safety, Perimeter Protection has been postponed to 17-19 January 2023. We are nevertheless ready to meet with you in person to introduce you to our innovations, among which a few world premieres. You won’t want to miss it.

There are 3 ways to safely discover our 3 world premieres - pick your favourite!

1. Company visit at Locinox HQ

Ready to travel to our HQ in Belgium?
You are most welcome to discover our innovations in our showroom. There’s more, you can experience a guided tour across our production facility, follow a hands-on product training and meet the Locinox team.

▶▶ Request a visit to the Locinox HQ

2. Visit of the Roadshow Van

You want to give a training to your full team or to a selection of your customers? Our Roadshow Van is a great opportunity to discover what Locinox is all about.

▶▶ Apply for a Roadshow Van visit

3. Visit of your Locinox contact

You prefer the comfort of your own locations? That’s possible too. Your contact person is more than happy to pay you a visit to present our innovations.

▶▶ Request a visit

Of course, we’ll have the utmost respect for your health and safety and will apply the strictest COVID measurements. Whatever your choice, we are really looking forward to it. Contact us if you have any further questions.
